
Rubjerg Knude Lighthouse

Fyrvejen 30, 9480 Løkken


Rubjerg Knude Lighthouse

Rubjerg Knude Lighthouse was built in 1899 as far as 200 metres away from the coast. Due to the conditions from wind and ocean, the steep bank broke down over time and the lighthouse today stands only a few metres away from the edge.

The dunes on top of the steep bank grew fast in height so that the boats and vessels on the water could not see the light of the lighthouse nor hear the sound of the foghorn. This is why several times it was tried to remove the sand from the lighthouse, but this impossible task was given up on in 1968.

In the meantime, the lighthouse was used as a museum for sand drift but had to be closed again as it was covered in sand.
Nowadays, the lighthouse is located close to the edge, so that the wind blew the sand off, and it again is possible to visit the building.

One can visit the lighthouse for free 24 hours a day.
