

Birk Centerpark 15, 7400 Herning



Outside of Herning the big sculpture "Elia" can be found, which was created by the sculptor Cronhammer. Elia is a sign of the turn of the millenium, but also for Hernings will power, zest for action and the creative mindset, that the city has been known for in ages.

The actual sculpture is a hemisphere with a diameter of 60 metres and a height of 11 metres. Four staircases lead up to the top of the sculpture from where one has a great view of the surrounding and inside the sculpture, which has a volume of 30.000m^3. From the bottom of the sculpture, 4 pillars stand 30 metres high and a smaller one in the middle of the hemisphere was erected to spit an 8,4-metre high flame at random points of time. The giant sculpture Elia is an appearance with a great view, that one can visit free of any charge.

Attractions, Art